Missed us on Sunday? Here is your opportunity to contribute to Sam’s Fund.
Monster Dash 2023
Thanks to our sponsors - we greatly appreciate your generous support, onsite assistance, and dedication to the Milton Foundation for Education 2023 Monster Dash.
Start of 2023 Monster Dash Race
Monster Dash 2023 - Click on the Image - REGISTER TODAY
Teddy Cronin Winning Artwork - 2023 Monster Dash Art Contest
Winner - Teddy Cronin - Collicot - 2nd Grader
Teddy Cronin - Students - Educators - MFE Board Member
Runner-Up - Kyra Deny, Anthony Silipo
Runner-Up: Nora Parlavecchio, Scarlett Doyle, Hadley Masserò
Runner-up: Olivia Naughton, Brenna Dolan, Zoe Kwiatek
Runner-up: Deacon Lamoureaux, Annaleigh Hudak, Harper Delaney
Congratulations to Catie Lacasse - 2023 Sam Cichello Scholarship for Science Winner
Congratulations to Mallory Hughes - 2023 General Scholarship Winner
Celebration for Education | Teacher of the Year
Celebration for Education 2023
Thank you for supporting The Milton Foundation for Education (MFE) Celebration For Education 2023. The success of the event is not possible without the commitment from our sponsors, the Milton community support, and the MFE board members dedication to making this an amazing evening.
Your generosity help make Celebration 2023 a huge success!
2023 Teacher of The Year
Julia Hanna, Milton H.S.
Patrick Maning, Pierce
Léa Franklin, Glover
Stephanie Young, Tucker
David Rosner, Collicot
Jill Macomber, Cunningham
Nicole Davis, Preschool
Thank You Sponsors for your Generosity and Support
The Pulgini Family
Amy & Scott Domineau
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